

Dr. Tan Yue, President of China Publishing Group Corporation, is a well-known publisher and entrepreneur in China. Born in March, 1958 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, he was Chairman of the Phoenix Publishing & Media Group Corporation; Deputy Director of Jiangsu Provincial Publicity Department, Member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in Jiangsu; Deputy Director of Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Culture, Director of Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Heritage. He was rewarded “A Hundred Excellent Publishing Figures in PRC 60 Years” by General Administration of Press and Publications, and was selected one of the “CCTV Chinese Top Ten Economic Personalities” in 2009, the first ever received such honour in press and publishing sector since the selection began in 1999.

在2009CCTV中国经济年度人物颁奖盛典上对其的评价: 谭跃,他是文化产业的创意先锋,飞越体制的关山,历尽市场的考验。他以一连串大刀阔斧的改革,构建起中国出版界第一个百亿集团。凤凰从此涅盘。



谭跃,博士,中国著名企业家、出版家,中国出版集团公司总裁。1958年3月生于中国南京市。曾任江苏省南京市文化局副局长、文物局长,江苏省委宣传部副部长、省政协常委,凤凰出版传媒集团公司董事长。曾获 “新中国60年百名优秀出版人物”称号、“2009CCTV中国经济年度人物”称号(此项活动举办十年来新闻出版界首次获此殊荣者)。

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